Question / Answer

What is your intrinsic motivation to write software?

No correct/wrong answer

Do you know SOLID principles?

  • Single Responsibility principle (name the class and let it do this thing)
  • Open closed principle (open for extension, closed to change)
  • Liksov substitution principle (what?)
  • Interface segregation (define the smalles possible interface)
  • Dependency inversion principle (Make interfaces and use the interface to communicate with others)

What does clean code means to you?

Should have at least an opinion about it

What do you think about linter?

Do you know better than the authors of a programming language? Or can you adhere to some principals?

For what are you looking when perform a code review?

  • Understandable? Readable?
  • Tested?
  • Simple?
  • Does it fit into existing?
  • Does it what the user story describes?
  • SOLID, yagni, design patterns?

Do you have any pet projects?

No correct/wrong answer

Tell something about properties (C# specific)

Acting as data fields, but offers the benefits of methods Compiler creates a private field (called a “backing store”)

Properties should not trigger long computations.

Tell something about immutability

Immutable object can not be changed once created. If you want to change it, you have to create a new instance. This is great because you only have to validate it once.

What is a side effects code smell?

A method doing some changes the caller would not expect.

Tell something about checked/unchecked exceptions? (Java specific)

  • Checked exceptions (Compiler checks them)
  • Unchecked exceptions (Compiler doesn’t check them)
  • Should have an opinion about it

Do you know about cruft?

internal versus external quality. What does it cost to change?

Internal quality signs:

  • Module structure
  • Software architecture (MVVN, 3 tier, MVC, Hexagonal)
  • Software design (SOLID, yagni etc.)
  • Tests

External quality

  • What the customer currently sees and feels

Who is your idol regarding software engineering?

No correct/wrong answer Books, key figures, blogs to follow etc.

What is important to you regarding code?

  • Software craftsmanship
  • Testing
  • Patterns

C# Kata - Checkout


Following code can be run in DotNet fiddle if there is no IDE at hand.
