Deploy into Web-app with private endpoint enabled
Default way
The normal approach would be to call the azure cli command: az webapp deploy --src-url
. Also the standard ADO pipeline task just wraps this call.
This should work on a we-app with private endpoint enabled because ARM calls are still allowed.
deploy with azure storage and sas link
az storage account create -n deploystorageaccount -g ${resource-group} -l westeurope az storage container create -n deploystoragecontainer –account-name deploystorageaccount az storage blob upload -f –account-name deploystorageaccount -c deploystoragecontainer -n deploystorageaccount az storage blob generate-sas –full-uri –permissions r –account-name deploystorageaccount -c deploystoragecontainer -n deploystorageaccount
az webapp deploy –name ${web-app} –resource-group ${resource-group} –type zip –src-url “${SAS-rul}” –async false
Call ARM directly instead
But when the wep-app has private endpoints enabled, you will experience that this deployment won’t work, and you will get a 403 error-response from your web-app.
There is a problem with “az webapp deploy –src-url”: It actually doesn’t go via ARM API, but directly to the scm endpoint of the web-app (which is blocked due to private endpoints).
There is a bug reported for this:
The solution in the meantime is not to use Azure cli command “az webapp deploy”, but to call the ARM API directly. In your case it is something like this:
az rest --method PUT --uri${SUBSCRIPTIONID}/resourceGroups/${RESOURCEGROUP}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/${WEBAPP}/extensions/onedeploy?api-version=2022-03-01 --body '{"properties": {"type": "zip", "packageUri": ${ARTIFACTURL} }}'
This call will go via ARM proxy and won’t be blocked by your private endpoint setup.