Which PaaS is the right one for me?
Default way The normal approach would be to call the azure cli command: az webapp deploy --src-url. Also the standard ADO pipeline task just wraps this call....
Further infos: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/api-management/soft-delete
When a keyvault is deleted via azure portal it is actually only soft-deleted. The reason for this is to protect the user from deleting their secrets. After a...
https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/1236.html http://georgemauer.net/2017/10/07/csv-injection.html https://www.veracode.com/blog/secure-development/data-e...
Exceptions In Java, you can to a lot with exceptions. You should use and handle exceptions the same way in your project. The mess starts when you mix differe...
I learned in 2007 in computer science class to use inheritance to achieve polymorphism-like behaviour. You just need to build a good inheritance tree to abst...
Shows how to create an immutable object (Solution by Joshua Bloch from effective java)
Normal case When you use ADO Nuget feed from a pipeline you do something like this: Create feed on ADO or use existing Add the feed into your Nuget.Conf...
Create a new SonarQube project In my case you would need to order this internally via devops self-service.
1 - Sp4c3 Inv4d3r5!
OpenHack Documentation
Access Pwnbox is a VM running by HackTHeBox. Via OpenVPN (OVPN) you can connect your own computer to the hackthebox network.
Writeup Try hack me advent 2022
General infos https://www.hacking-lab.com/events/hackvent-2022
General infos https://www.hacking-lab.com/events/hackvent-2022
I bought a rubberducky from hak5 and this is what I learned:
Following this tutorial: link
general idea
MagicNumbers/string Refactoring: Introduce constant with a meaningful name. But don’t over do it. If the constant is only used once, it might be better to le...