App service plan

If multiple apps are in the same App Service plan, they all share the same VM instances. If you have multiple deployment slots for an app, all deployment slots also run on the same VM instances. If you enable diagnostic logs, perform backups, or run WebJobs, they also use CPU cycles and memory on these VM instances.

Azure app service

The app service plan defines in which azure region your app will run.

In price tier “Free” and” Shared”, your app gets CPU minutes on a shared VM instance. On the other pricing tiers you have your own VM resources. If you scale out the app service plan, all apps running on that plan will be scaled out.


Think about this points to determine if you need a new app service plan or re-use one:

  • The app is resource-intensive.
  • You want to scale the app independently from the other apps in the existing plan.
  • The app needs resource in a different geographical region.

ways to deploy your app

An app is by default deployed to: D:\home\site\wwwroot

Git: App Service-Web-Apps verfügen über eine Git-URL, die Sie als Remoterepository hinzufügen können. Durch Push an das Remoterepository wird Ihre App bereitgestellt. CLI:webapp up ist ein Feature der az-Befehlszeilenschnittstelle, mit der Apps gepackt und bereitgestellt werden können. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Bereitstellungsmethoden kann mit az webapp up eine neue App Service-Web-App für Sie erstellt werden, sofern Sie dies nicht bereits erledigt haben. ZIP-Bereitstellung: Verwenden Sie curl oder ein ähnliches HTTP-Hilfsprogramm, um eine ZIP-Datei Ihrer Anwendungsdateien an App Service zu senden. FTP/S: FTP oder FTPS ist eine herkömmliche Methode, Ihren Code per Push in beliebige Hostingumgebungen wie App Service zu übertragen.


When swapping slots, all instances of the source slot will be restarted (because they get the slot specific config of the target slot)

Authentication and authorization via app service

If enabled, the http traffic goes first to the auth modul of azure app service (which runs in the samesandbox as your app)

Microsoft Identitätsplattform /.auth/login/aad Microsoft Identitätsplattform-App-Service-Anmeldung Facebook /.auth/login/facebook App Service Facebook-Anmeldung Google /.auth/login/google Google-Anmeldung App Service Twitter /.auth/login/twitter App Service Twitter-Anmeldung Ein beliebiger OpenID Connect-Anbieter /.auth/login/ App Service OpenID Connect-Anmeldung

You can decide if the auth modul should let unauthorized traffic through or not.

App settings

The Azure app service app settings overrides the Web.config and appsettings.json values. App settings are encrypted at rest.

If “Deployment slot setting” is enabled, the setting is only for the actual slot and will not be shared with other slots. For example: We configured a “connectionStringToStageDb” on the staging slot and define it as “deployment slot setting”. When we swap the staging and prod slot, the previous mention setting will still reside on the staging slot and our application which was previously on staging will now use the setting defined on the prd slot.

For linux containers you need to defined embedded json object like this: ApplicationInsights__InstrumentationKe, so the “:” becomes “__”

The order of different ways to set config: order of config

If we want to see the actual content ap appsettings.json of a deployed app within appservice we can open advanced tools. And then navigate to site/wwwroot/appsettings.json


You can either scale up/down, which means changing the app service plan, eg. making the machine(s) bigger. Or scale out/in, which means add more instances of your current app service plan machine.

Automatic Scaling rules

Can be metric-based or time-based.

Automatic scaling rule first aggregates all values of all instances on the metric specific “AggregationIntervall”. Most of metrics have this set to 1min. After that, the custom settings of duration and aggregationmethod (min, max, av) will be applied on the previous metric aggregation.


