Project CEP
// 03.03.2023
This project is responsible to provide APIs and CIAM functionality for a customer portal.
You can edit your profile:
You can check your policies with Zurich:
Start small
It started with helping a friend with some Java coding on a short-term solution to enable paperless communication with customer and ended up in contributing to a C# API application for the customer portal.
MVP approach
First version display profile data of a customer and its policies. Basically this comes down to two endpoints:
- get-profile
- get-policies
API application
The application is a .net core application running on AKS.
The needed infrastructure (besides AKS infrastructure, which is delivered by shared services team)
- Keyvaults
- Azure DBs
- Networking (VNets, Subnets, Private endpoints)
- Blobstorages
- Service principals
- RBAC assignments
are all defined by the team in Terraform.