2 minute read


Refactoring: Introduce constant with a meaningful name. But don’t over do it. If the constant is only used once, it might be better to leave it as is.

Redundant comments

Refactoring: Remove comments that are not adding value.

Complex conditionals

Refactoring: Extract complex conditionals into a method with a meaningful name.

Deeply nested code

When ifs are nested: Refactor: Guard causes (Clause to return early)

Long methods

If a method is too long, it is hard to understand. Refactor: Extract method

Side effects

When a method does more than one thing, it is hard to understand. Refactor: Duplicate and Reduce

  1. Identify use-cases which part of the method is used by which caller
  2. Duplicate the complicated method for each use-case
  3. Reduce each method to its use-case
  4. Extract shared code into a new method

Temporary field

When a field is only used in a small part of the class. Refactor: Form the field to a parameter and use it as a local variable.

Error codes

When a method returns an error code, it is hard to understand. Refactor: Throw an exception

Output parameter

When a method has an output parameter, it is hard to understand. Refactor: Return just one thing.

deep inheritance hierarchy or Lazy class

When a class is inherited by many classes, it is hard to understand. When a class is not doing much.

Refactor: Push members down, safe delete.

Speculative Generality

When someone is adding a feature/code that is not needed yet. Refactor: Safe delete it

Refused Bequest

When you inherit from a class, but only use a subpart of if (eg. throw exceptions when some method gets called). Violates the liskov substitution principle. (If you inherit from a class, you should be able to use it as is)


  1. Create a new field of type parent
  2. Generate (Alt + ins) -> Delegating members and select the used method
  3. Delete the inheritance

Flag parameter

When a method has a boolean parameter which is used to switch between two different behaviors. Refactor:

  1. Extract a method for each branch made by the parameter
  2. Rewrite the if to ternary operator
  3. Inline the whole method into the caller

Primitive obsession

When an array is used instead of a list Refactor:

  1. Create new structure
  2. Duplicate each write access to the new structure
  3. Change read access to the new structure
  4. Remove the write access to the old structure
  5. Remove the old structure

Inappropriate Intimacy

When two classes are too close to each other. Refactor: Remove public fields

Long parameter list

When a method has too many parameters. Refactor:

Data clumps

When a group of parameters is always passed together. Refactor: Refactor the parameters into a class (Like: method(int x, int y) into a method(Point point))

Data class

When a class is only used to store data. Refactor: Put the fields into the class that uses them.

Feature envy

When a method is more interested in a different class than in itself. (eg. uses a lot of properties from another class)

  1. Extract method
  2. Move method

Dead code

When a method is not used anymore. Refactor: Safe delete

