DotNet SDK

The even version-numbers are the LTS(long term support) versions. For big projects its good to stick to the latest even .Net version. Only opt for a preview or STS (Standard term version) if you depend on a new feature of this sdk.

SDK version policy

Download the right dotnet version

Download dotnet

Building steps

dotnet restore

Uses NuGet to restore dependencies and project specific tools. dotnet restore is run automatically in other dotnet commands like, new, build, build-server, run, test, publish and pack

dotnet publish

Will create an artifact which can be deployed (Depending on the parameters and configuration)

async and await

In C# you can make usage of the keywords async and await like this:

public sealed class SystemUnderTest
  public static async Task SimpleAsync()
    await Task.Delay(10);
    // throw new Exception("Should fail.");

This method might become asynchronous when reaching the await operator. This method might run on another thread then the main thread and main thread can go on with its work. Once the Task is done, C# will make sure the code proceeds as you would expect.

Its best practice that an async method always returns a Task. If it doesn’t it will be hard to test the method.

Fields and Property

Field is a private instance variable which is set via constructor. Property is a public instance variable which is normally defined like this:

struct Person
    public String Name {get; set; }

This can be used like this:

var p = new Person() { Name = "jonson"};

Naming conventions

Use PascalCase for public properties

Dependency injection


scoped = Will be newly instantiated for every request context singleton = Will be created only once

Only a smaller scope can reference a larger scoped object. A singleton cannot hold reference to a scoped instance.

Use scoped instance from singleton

Use IServiceScopeFactory to instantiate a new scoped object in a singleton scoped class.


Order of settings (A higher number overrides the lower)

  1. appsettings.json
  2. appsettings..json
  3. user secrets
  4. environment variable

Changes made to the appsettings.json and appsettings.Environment.json file after the app starts are read by the JSON configuration provider.

Launch setting

To set environment variable, you can edit the launchSettings.json Normally this file is placed under src/application/Properties/launchSettings.json

user secrets

Cd into where your appsettings.json file is. Its normally under src/application//appsettings.json To add the setting “ServicePrincipal:ClientSecret”: run dotnet user-secrets set ServicePrincipal:ClientSecret {secret value}

Though this is only for development. If you want to run sit, uat or prod application setup locally you would need to pass this secrets via environment variable in launchSettings.json.

Start from scratch

dotnet new console will create a new console project.

New Unit test project

dotnet new mstest -o MyClassTest

int/float division

integer / integer returns an integer even when the result has decimals. To get a float as result, at least one of the numbers needs to be a float: integer / (float)integer

Common exceptions

Exception Class Cause of Exception
SystemException A failed run time check; used as a base class for other exceptions .
AccessException Failure to access a type member , such as a method or field.
ArgumentException An argument to a method was invalid.
ArgumentNullException A null argument was passed to a method that does not accept it.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException Argument value is out of range.
ArithmeticException Arithmetic over or underflow has occurred.
ArrayTypeMismatchException Attempt to store the wrong type of object in an array.
BadImageFormatException Image is in wrong format
CoreException Base class for exceptions thrown by the runtime.
DevideByZeroException An attempt was made to divide by Zero.
FormatException The format of an argument is wrong.
IndexOutofRangeException An Array index is out of range
InvalidCastException An attempt was made to cast to an invalid class.
InvalidOperationException A method was called at an invalid time
MissingmemberException An invalid version of a DLL was accessed
NotFiniteException A number is not valid
NotSupportedException Indicates that a method is not implemented by a class
NullReferenceException Attempt to use an unassigned reference
OutofmemoryException Not enough memory to continue execution
StackOverFlowException A Stack has overflowed

json deserialization

Default in standard deserializer of System.Text.Json

  • Case sensitive
  • Enums must be their int values

The more intuitive defaults are set in the web defaults option:

  • Case in-sensitive
  • Enums can also be their string representations.


await versus WhenAll

WhenAll will wait for all tasks to complete even in the presence of failures (faulted or canceled tasks)


On LINQ statements, there are ones that return IQueryable (and IEnumerable), and the ones returning List, TResults, TKey, etc, anything that are not IQueryable/IEnumerable. If the return value is an IQueryable, the function uses lazy execution: the Expression to perform the query is created, but the query is not executed yet.

The query is executed when you ask the IQueryable to get an enumerator and if you start enumerating, either implicitly by using foreach, or explicitly by using IQueryable.GetEnumerator() and IEnumerator.MoveNext() (which are also called by foreach).


Here is an integration test which checks if specific Exceptions got thrown

    public async Task GetAndFail(string url)
        var insideFirstChanceExceptionHandler = false;
        var exceptionMessage = "";
        AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FirstChanceException += (_, eventArgs) =>
            if (insideFirstChanceExceptionHandler)
                // Prevent recursion (If exception is thrown in this method)

            insideFirstChanceExceptionHandler = true;
                if (eventArgs.Exception.GetType() == typeof(InvalidOperationException) && eventArgs.Exception.Message.Contains("The connection is closed"))
                    exceptionMessage = eventArgs.Exception.Message;

                if (eventArgs.Exception.GetType() == typeof(ObjectDisposedException))
                    exceptionMessage = eventArgs.Exception.Message;
                _outputHelper.WriteLine("FirstChanceException event raised in {0}: {1}",
                    AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName, eventArgs.Exception.Message);

                insideFirstChanceExceptionHandler = false;
        // Arrange
        var client = _factory.CreateClient();

        // Act
        var response = await client.GetAsync(url);

        // Assert
