[Day 17] Secure Coding Filtering for Order Amidst Chaos
Help with Regex
Regex 101
The square brackets indicates to match one character to the defined character set within the brackets.
The order within the brackets doesn't matter.
The wildcard ```.```matches any character.
The asterix ```*``` doesn't care if the preceding token matches or not.
The plus ```+``` make sure it matches at least once.
The curly brackets ```{min, max}``` specifices the number of characters to match.
The question mark ```?``` denotes the preceding token is optional
The escape character ```\``` is used when you want to match a regex operator character.
The ```^``` and ```$``` denote the start and end of the string.
### Examples
* To match alphanumeric and case insensitive: ```[a-zA-Z0-9]+``` (The plus indicates that we want to match a string regardless of its length)
* First part is composed of letters and we want it to match regardless if there are numbers thereafter: ```^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9]*$```
* Just lowercase letters that are in between 3 and 9 characters in length: ```^[a-z]{3,9}$ ```
* Starts with 3 letters followed by any 3 characters, our pattern would be ```^[a-zA-Z]{3}.{3}$```
* match "www.tryhackme.com" and "tryhackme.com", but avoid ".tryhackme.com" ```^(www\.)?tryhackme\.com$``` ()
# Use HTML5 for input validation
- ```
egrep 'regex_pattern_here' strings
Filtering for Usernames: Alphanumeric, minimum of 6 characters, maximum of 12 characters, may consist of upper and lower case letters.
Filtering for Usernames: One username consists of a readable word concatenated with a number. What is it?
Filtering for Emails: Follows the form “local-part@domain” (without quotation marks); local-part is a random string, and the domain is in the form of “
Filtering for URLs: Starts with either http or https; some of the URLs have “www”, and a TLD should exist.