You can scan a network with nmap:

  • TCP SYN Scan. Return a list of live hosts and ports. Stealthy because it doesnt complete theTCP threewayhandshake nmap -sS MACHINE_IP
  • Ping Scan. nmap -sn MACHINE_IP
  • Operating System Scan. Gets the type of OS: nmap -O MACHINE_IP
  • Detecting Services. Returns running services of the host: nmap -sV MACHINE_IP

Ports: There are 0 - 65’536 Ports. They can be in:

  • Closed Ports: The host is not listening to the specific port.
  • Open Ports: The host actively accepts a connection on the specific port.
  • Filtered Ports: This indicates that the port is open; however, the host is not accepting connections or accepting connections as per certain criteria like specific source IP address.

You can scan a website for vulnerabilities. Run: nikto -host MACHINE_IP

Pros are using: Nessus and Acunetix to identify loopholes in a system.


What is running on the remote host?

smbClient nmap -sV

What flag can you find after successfully accessing the Samba service?

Connect to SMB service on


List shares: smbclient -L //

Open interactive shell smbclient "\\\\admins" -U ubuntu%S@nta2022 $ ls $ cd $ get

What is the password for the username santahr?

