Cloud knowhow
public cloud
Is hosted by a cloudprovider like azure and you will normally share resources with others.
private cloud
You host a cloud yourself. You provide the hardware and run it as a cloud. This scenario should be used if your environment needs special restrictions (sensitive data)
hybrid cloud
You use both, private and public cloud together.
multi cloud
You use different cloud providers.
cloud services
Iaas (Infrastructure as a Service)
You will have a lot control over the hardware. You basically rent hardware. Operating system, software, middleware is your problem.
Platform as a Service
You don’t need to care about the underlying hardware. Can be used as development environment.
Software as a Service
Hosted software. Office 365, Skype and Dynamics CRM online sind SaaS-Software. The cloud provider is in charge of the application.
Virtual machines for development
You can automatically shutdown your virtual machine to save money.