Steps I did to use Jekyll on this GitHub pages following this manual:

  1. Install Ruby
  2. Install Bundler (gem install jekyll bundler)
  3. Checkout repo
  4. Move to the root folder with windows command line
  5. run jekyll new --skip-bundle .
  6. decided to go with Minimal Mistake theme
  7. created _page, _data as standard jekyll folders
  8. Decided to use collections
  9. run bundle exec jekyll serve

How to run it locally

run it locally

Add new collection

  1. Create new collection in _config.yml
  2. Create a folder under “collection” folder with the same name as in _config.yml, but prefixed with underscore.
  3. Add a file under _pages with the same name as defined in _config.yml

Version on gitHub pages

Escape content

Files involved
