Tools and Frameworks


Count elements with certain criteria

Azure Cli

Use az in a company with SSL inspection If you see this:


variables STR="Hello World!" echo $STR echo ${STR}


Set and read variables Set: set variablename=thatsaname Read: %variablename%


Run When you select at least one character and press F5, only the selection is run.

Oracle No Sql

Export import a table into json and vice versa Export get table -name member -file fulldata.member.json;


Persist data Its is normal for a small project to start with an in-memory storage. The next evolution-step would be persist the data. But instead of using ...

Docker Cheatsheet

Advantages The big advantage of containers is the non existing virtualisation layer. The running application within a docker container actually runs directly...


Switch kubernetes context kubectl config get-contexts

Backup Restore

Backup Mount same filesystem on every node Add a repository path on every node by put this into every elasticsearch.yml file: # Specifies the root ...

Elastic Search

Scaling One of the purpose of elasticsearch is to make lucene scalable. The environment where you run elasticsearch should naturally be scalable. Never let ...

Rolling Restart

Make a backup of the cluster stop non-essential indexing (if possible) disable shard allocation stop and update one node start the node re-enabl...

Scrolling On Es

Option - Scroll Search a. Takes a snapshot of results b. statefull c. use scroll-ID & TTL of scroll. d. Best practice is to delete the scroll and not...


Git branching strategies


Shows git stats git log --numstat --since 01-01-2019


gource is a nice tool to visualize git history.

Pre Commit

How to install Either run pip install pre-commit Or download pyz file from and run: python %homedrive%%home...


Steps I did to use Jekyll on this GitHub pages following this manual:


Quicklists To create a quicklist go to File -> settings -> Appearance & Behaviour -> Quick-Lists. Here you can create a new Quicklist like: Git ...


Skip auto format // @formatter:off some custom formatted code that should be kept as is. // @formatter:on


get env variable ${__BeanShell(System.getenv("customer-preference-url"))}


what is kafka? It is realtime event-streaming platform.

Linux Cheatsheet

Gives info about the file system df -h . Lists all disks any their usages. Give a great overview about your used diskspace

Openstreet Map

OpenStreetMap editors I am using Vespucci on my android and ID for browser. I am still not sure if I should go the JOSM path as it looks like a very complica...


Search Press F4 to search within an email in front of you. Ctrl+f is reserved for forwarding the mail.


Collections The Highest logical container for grouping stuff. You can share/import/export a collection.

Soap Ui

Troubleshooting Import open api specification into SOAPUI If you don’t see the Project -> Import swagger menu: The soapui-swagger-plugin-2.2-dist.jar is s...

Swagger Diff

Java Swagger-Diff To compare different swagger files. This tool loads the swagger file and compares the interpreted content rather than just do a file-diff.


VeraCode documentation about pipeline scan


Containers are like next stage of virtualization of hardware. They virtualize the operating system. Its kinda what a VM running on a physical computer is con...


Paths To get the absolute path of a file you need to shift-right click on a file and click on getPath:


YAML is case-sensitive. Files should have the .yml extension. Spaces are used for indentation and not tabs. Comments are attributed using the # char...